Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Love Letter to my Car

Dear Car,

I know, as you are getting older and gas gets more expensive, that you must be worried I will give up on loving you. Everyone gets insecure from time to time, and you recently let me know that our relationship is going to require some maintenance, so here goes:

I love you. You are a great car.

You always start for me, even when it's so cold outside it hurts to breathe. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your selflessness in this regard, because when it gets that cold I know it requires extreme will to wake up. You also are willing to get going when it's so hot I feel like that Furian guy walking into the sunshine in The Chronicles of Riddick. Again, thank you.

I'd so much rather drive you to work than have to row a metal people boat.
Also, in spite of extreme temperatures, your AC and heat work effortlessly, within moments of starting. It's amazing. Like a little slice of climate controlled heaven, where I can eat my M&Ms without fear of them liquefying.

But in every healthy relationship, there are two sides to the story. There is something you have been doing lately that I feel must be addressed.

I know that you are feeling insecure, and that all the cars I've been with before had standard transmissions. However, this insecurity over my past car relationships is no reason to start trying to pretend to be a standard. Specifically, it's very unnerving when you allow me to turn off your engine and remove the key in drive, but then scold me for trying to start you afterwards. It's a mixed message, and not appreciated. I occasionally forget, and I am willing to work on this, but you need to work on being happy with who you are. Truly, no amount of gentle reassurances that your transmission is just as appealing as  my former cars' transmissions will make up for your self confidence.

Thank you so much for all you have given me.



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