Thursday, January 23, 2014

Until Snores Do Us Part

Back in the early days of our relationship, my husband and I used to ask each other what sort of transgressions would end our relationship. These questions were half serious- it's pretty important to know each other's boundaries, and what better way to find out than to ask? They were also half joke, because that's what they always devolved into. By now, we haven't asked this question in a long time. I'd like to think this is because we know each other very well and have matured past such insecurities. But it may just be that we don't ask because we don't really want the answer any more. So when, for the first time in EONS I was asked what it would take for me to shut the door in his face, I was surprised to find that I have an answer.

A definite, specific line, the crossing of which our relationship could not survive. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Extrovert Poser

  I used to have a very strange reputation with my friends for being a little too socially forward. I was the person (and still am sometimes) who skipped down the street singing. A disproportionate number of my friends know me because I forced my company on them at some late night diner with a thumbs-up approach to free coffee refills and chain smoking. I'm almost always the one to pick up the phone if the silence between me and a friend has gone on too long. Most of the time, people assume someone who behaves in this pushy way is an extrovert. I am something different.

  I am an extrovert poser.